Honoring God with Our Work
January 16, 2025
As committed and growing Christians, we are called to honor God in all aspects of our life. As our Savior Jesus Christ came to earth to reveal God our Father through His life, we are called to reveal Christ through our lives. That includes our work life.
Honoring our employer, honoring colleagues, customers, clients, board members, patients, staff, and volunteers while honoring God at the same time might seem to be a near-impossible task. But it is, in fact, something that we can accomplish when we lean on God’s strength. Here are a few ideas that can help enable you to honor God and honor others in your work.
1. Focus on Witnessing and Not Preaching
Witnessing simply means conducting ourselves in a way that is consistent with the nature of Christ. If we are growing into oneness with Christ, we already know that His Spirit in us is transforming our lives into His nature. We place trust in that transformation and know that, through His Spirit in us, He is speaking and witnessing Himself through us.
2. Pay Attention to the Words We Use
As children of God, our words are evidence of who we are in Christ. A child of God does not engage in complaining, criticizing, or grumbling. While we recognize that this world is far from perfect, we know that engaging in complaining, criticizing and unflattering speech reveals a character that is not consistent with the nature of God. Participating in these types of conversations reveals hypocrisy and does not honor God. The Apostle Paul tells us, “If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.” Galatians 5:25-26. (NKJV)
3. Let Others Initiate Conversations Regarding Our Faith
In a perfect world, we would be involved in conversations about our faith at all times. However, that is often not the case in the workplace. When we honor this reality, we are also honoring God. We can pray that doors will open for us to have greater opportunities to discuss our faith openly; and we can always be looking for ways in which we can help those around us to strengthen their own faith and to feel more comfortable in sharing their faith with us and others. Throughout our work lives, we are constantly exercising judgment and making decisions. When unsure about how and when to discuss our faith on the job, seek the Lord’s guidance and allow the Holy Spirit to direct your words and your actions. Therefore, we must:
Pray Before Every Interaction, Task or Call
Before doing or saying anything, we must pray and give it completely and willingly to God. Yes, we are growing daily into the nature of Christ. And yes, we approach all things with a pure heart, a clear conscience and with sincere faith. But we must place all outcomes fully in the hands of God. If we fail to do this, then we are speaking and doing for God instead of Him speaking and doing through us. The difference is very important. We will bear much more fruit for Him if He is speaking and doing through us.
What we have shared in this simple article is truly just the tip of the iceberg about this topic. If you would like to know more, please contact us and let us know how we can help. Our faith in God is at the heart of our company at Standout Arts and at the heart of who we are as individuals. We are always happy and honored to share our faith with you.
Photo by John-Mark Smith: https://www.pexels.com/photo/pink-pencil-on-open-bible-page-and-pink-272337/